Today, Google announced its Purchases on Google pilot that enables consumers to click on "Buy on Google" ads to complete purchases. Shoppers complete the purchase using Google-stored payment data, which is then sent to retailers to process and fulfill. Merchants handle all customer service communications and “own” their customer’s data.
To further improve anytime, anywhere “micro-moment” shopping, Google has also announced a robust new set of mobile features to help buyers meet all their shopping needs including expandable shopping ads, new ad formats for voice search and Google Now In-Store Cards. Learn more on Google’s Winning the shopping micro-moments blog post.

Although this is still a closed pilot, retailers interested in Google’s Purchases on Google program will need to integrate their ordering systems with Google’s to be included.
Bing Shopping Campaigns
Bing Shopping Campaigns, which was launched in April to select advertisers, is now open to all U.S. retailers. The program, which allows retailers to organize, track and manage their Bing Product Ads in a more “optimal manner,” will now become the default campaign type for PLAs on Bing. Learn more on Bing’s recent blog announcement.