When it comes to the future of ecommerce, all roads lead to mobile.
In fact, mobile commerce makes up 30% of all ecommerce. 50% of your customers will visit your ecommerce site. And a quickly increasing number of consumers are more likely to use mobile than PCs when shopping and making purchasing decisions.
Online marketplaces have taken note of the trend. Every top shopping channel has made mobile a top priority. But they differ in their approaches.
By understanding how a site approaches mobile customers, you can optimize your listings for those sites. And you can also take a page out of an ecommerce giant’s book to figure out the best mobile strategies for your own website.
Amazon’s Mobile Strategy
Amazon is considered an industry leader for its “mobile-first experience.” But what does a mobile-first experience mean?
It means creating an entire experience – from web design to email strategy to check-out – specifically for a mobile visitor.
Since Amazon has such a large number of products, navigation on a small screen could be tedious. But Amazon overcame this potential issue with a mobile-friendly design including large, easy-to-use buttons and features like an auto-fill search engine and one-click ordering. You can also take a picture of an item or bar code for a quick search.
This makes the process of finding and purchasing a product simple for mobile users.
How to make the best of mobile on Amazon:
There are all kinds of strategies for optimizing your listing for Amazon. Where mobile is concerned, concentrate on these three:
- Title
- Images
- Description
Why? Because these are the things that mobile shoppers see most prominently. Bullet points, for example, barely register.
If you do nothing else, at least make sure that your main image is clean and clear.
eBay’s Mobile Strategy
eBay has found ways to adapt mobile shopping to its particular formats of buying and selling.
The site’s auction format is time-sensitive. Mobile platforms make it easy for customers to participate in auctions on-the-go – anytime, anywhere. Customers no longer have to stay at home or near a computer to update their bid on a wanted item.
eBay has also taken advantage of bar code scanning technology and put great effort into personalizing search to the interests of each customer.
When it comes to payment, eBay’s relationship with PayPal makes one-click payment an option for customers who want to seal the deal immediately.
How to make the best of mobile on eBay:
Accept PayPal payments. For many eBay users, this is the most convenient way to pay on a mobile device.
Walmart’s Mobile Strategy
Walmart is making huge efforts to become an ecommerce giant on the level of Amazon and eBay. It’s on its way, with its mobile ecommerce business growing faster than PC ecommerce.
Walmart came to prominence by rewarding loyal customers with its famously low prices – its mobile site is no different. As just one example, Walmart’s mobile users are able to preview Black Friday offers, as well as local ads, that will help them save online and in-store.
The incentives available to mobile users not only encourage mobile purchases, but also savings at local locations. Bottom line? Walmart is using mobile to encourage overall growth.
How to make the best of mobile on Walmart:
Participate in Walmart.com promotions, like Value of the Day, which is more likely to be featured on mobile. For help getting set up, check out our Walmart marketplace integrator.
How to Apply This to Your Mobile Ecommerce
So what do the mobile strategies of top shopping channels teach us? These strategies included three main elements in common:
Navigating on such a small screen is a challenge. Customers want minimal clicking and typing. Easy navigation and payment options are a must for your mobile platforms to succeed.
When your customers are shopping online, they often expect the same features and products as your online site. (For example, eBay’s auctions on-the-go.) Adapt as many online features of your ecommerce site onto your mobile site and apps.
Just like any and all shopping platforms, your customer wants to be treated like the only and best customer of your business. Bring this personalization, as well as rewards, to your mobile site to keep your customers coming back. Offer special deals, know your customers’ locations, and show personalized recommendations to make the best relationship with your customers on mobile.