Keeping Up With Google’s Close Variant Keywords
Recently, Google launched even more changes to how close variant keywords will operate in the future.
There are a few things your ecommerce business can do to ensure that you maximize your chances to benefit from these changes. Don’t worry though, Google’s update to close variants is reported to create a 3 to 4% increase in clicks and impressions on impacted keywords. Change isn’t that bad after all.
To reap these potential benefits, cut to the chase and use Google Smart Bidding. This method allows Google to lower your bids as needed and is the best way to prevent overspending on close variants that probably won’t convert.
Additionally, discontinue your use of last-click attribution. This way, you won’t miss out on close variant keywords which may have an impact on buyers at the start of their journey but not right before a conversion. No clicks get left behind; to Google, all clicks count.
Keep an eye on your automated systems, too. There’s no such thing as set-it and forget it, especially now amidst Google’s ever-changing search engine. Remember: these alterations are here to help you. Google wants to provide your business and your customers with the most efficient way to discover what you’re searching for.
Keywords may be changing, but the importance remains. Read up on more ways to excel within Google’s changes with this article from Search Engine Journal.
The New & Improved Facebook Ads Manager
The unveiling has been gradual, but recently, more and more advertisers have gotten their hands on the new Facebook Ads Manager. The updated interface still isn’t available to everyone, but those lucky few with access to it have given it mostly positive reviews so far.
The interface is sleek and easy to navigate with a much more streamlined look and feel to it. Some reviewers even say that this new look is akin to that of Google Ads, so it might be familiar to you.
On top of this, reviewers rave about the new campaign view which allows you to preview ad sets and ads without having to switch to another tab. Sounds pretty nice so far, right?
Despite this praise, various users are already pinpointing areas for improvement. The first of these is in the speed of Ads Manager – it frequently runs slow. Also, advertisers feel that Facebook should add the option to edit two dynamic ads at once and include more filter options, as well. Overall, the new and improved Facebook Ads Manager is on its way to success. Sure, there are a few tweaks to be made here and there, but on the whole, the updates have been positive.
Get an inside look into what advertisers are saying about their own experiences with Facebook’s Ads Manager with Marketing Land’s article here.
The Grand Opening of Google’s New Gallery Ads
Get ready for this one, advertisers – Google just unleashed the beta for their new Gallery Ads feature. Though announced in May, the update is just now coming to ecommerce businesses and advertisers like you.
Essentially, Google’s new Gallery Ads are swipeable photo ads that will show up at the top of the search results. Advertisers can showcase up to eight of these image ads and assign each one a different caption. Don’t forget the call-to-action, either. At the end of each gallery, advertisers can implement a call-to-action button to encourage potential customers to click.
Ironically, image ads and brand visibility go hand-in-hand. As such, Google wants to help you advertise your ecommerce business through pictures, which are proving to be more and more integral to advertising.
You might be asking: well, what’s gonna happen to my text ads? Don’t panic – you can do both. Partake in Google’s new Gallery Ads, while also running your traditional text ads in the search engine.
There’s really no way you can’t benefit from Google’s new feature. Stroll through Google’s new Gallery and appreciate the art of advertising. Read more about it with this article from the Search Engine Journal.
Start at the Beginning: Better Brand = Better Business
So you have an ecommerce business? Now, you’re wondering how you can best advertise and optimize your brand and site to reach customers and create conversions. It might be helpful to backtrack a bit, though.
Before thinking about running your first campaign in Google Ads, you should first ensure that your brand is ready. Even tried and true brand names can benefit from a little pick-me-up every now and then.
A recent study found that 65% of consumers buy products based on beliefs. This means that your brand’s success is largely dependent upon your business’s inherent values and purpose. There are a few key ways to improve upon your brand to grow and maintain an authentic brand-customer relationship.
For instance, targeting a specific audience is an extremely effective way to establish strong roots for your brand. Don’t shy away from telling a good story, either, even if it might seem unconventional. This allows your brand to thrive in a market saturated by others just like it.
On top of this, communicate your brand’s message clearly. Leave no room for confusion; your customers will appreciate this clarity. Most importantly, flip the script and make your audience members the stars. Your customers are the ones fueling your brand’s success, so put them first in everything your business does.
Your brand determines the extent of your business’s growth. It might sound simple, but it’s true; never underestimate the power of a brilliant brand. Discover more ways to build a better brand with Search Engine Journal’s article here.