As 2018 comes to a close, it's important to begin planning for 2019's holiday circuit.
Lone merchants and full-fledged brands alike, there's little to no time to waste when considering all there is to plan for.
After the intense year-end shopping season, there's a short lull from January to February that ushers in the new year's holiday shopping events. During this time, buying slows down, but it definitely doesn't stop (especially if you sell fitness equipment, as Fitspo Season is in full-force during these months).
Regardless, taking some time to develop a solid game plan will yield more consistent results than simply going with the flow. Preparation is key to successful product marketing, let alone seasonal promotions.
To help you devise an ecommerce plan for the year, we've compiled all of 2019's main events and holidays, along with corresponding popular products, top channels, and relevant seller advice for each event.