Walmart made some changes to their full item specs when they launched version 3 last year. While version 2 is still hanging in there, Walmart plans on deprecating it soon. To prevent any future errors, you’ll want to hop on board with the new changes.
With the new version you can expect faster item setup, a few field changes, and fewer bugs for those using API.

No longer do you have to worry about HTML formatting. Key features will be automatically populated with bullet points.
Description Field
Short Description is now the only description field required in the new item specs.
Variant Attribute Names
Each category on Walmart will have set options for the “variantAttributesNames” field. You’ll only be able to choose from those options. If your product varies by a field other than the ones provided, then you should not set up that product in a variant group.
SKU Update and Product ID Update
These no longer require custom attributes to create. For more information on updating an item’s SKU, click here. For information on updating an item’s Product ID, click here.
Additional Fields
Version 3 has some new optional fields for sellers:
Key Features lets you show off the best parts about your product. You can highlight anywhere from 3 to 10 of the most important features. This is where you’ll want to include keywords about the item. Remember to always put the most important features first.
The Is Primary Variant field lets you choose which variant product will appear in the Walmart search results and be the default view on the Item Page. If you want the red sweatshirt (as opposed to the green or blue) to display as the default since it is the best seller, you would use the "IsPrimaryVariant" field for this item. By not assigning a primary variant, Walmart will automatically choose the first SKU in the variant group.
Color Category lets you select from a short list of colors to describe the general color of the item. When a shopper performs a search, this allows customers to view items by color from the left-hand navigation.
Field Updates
Brand is now a required field for all products. If you do not have a brand for your product, you can put “Unbranded or Generic” in the field.
Manufacturer Part Number is now a conditionally required field, meaning that it may be required depending on the other fields you fill out. It is, however, required for those using the “Furniture” category.
Walmart removed Age Range and replaced it with three new fields: Age (Minimum), Age (Maximum), and Age Unit. In the previous version, you submitted the age as a range such as “0-12 months”. Now, you use the “Age (Minimum)” and “Age (Maximum)” fields to indicate the age with an integer. You’ll then put either “months” or “years” in the “Age Unit” field.
The Fulfillment Lag Time (previously known as Days to Ship) is required for each item. This is where you add the number of days needed to pick, pack, and ship the order. While you used to be able to indicate up to 2 days, the new requirement is 0 or 1. If you require two days or more, you will need to seek approval from Walmart for the product category. For more information on lag time exceptions, visit Walmart’s Knowledge Base.
While it can be a pain to update fields and familiarize yourself with new requirements, it’s a necessary evil when it comes to data feeds. Ensuring your Walmart feed is up-to-date will not only prevent future errors but will help keep your feed in tip top shape.
To learn more about the new changes, take a look at Walmart’s help article.