In the world of online retailing, product images are kind of a big deal. They can either make or break a listing. Amazon has image requirements and recommendations in place for you to follow to ensure that your images are in good shape. If you don’t follow their requirements, expect to run into issues when it comes to getting your products listed.
Keep in mind that if you're not brand registered and are selling the same product as other sellers, your image may not be the one chosen for the listing. To have more control over the listing of your own branded products, you’ll want to look into brand registry.
Image Best Practices
While you have the option to upload more than one image, there are some requirements that only apply to the main image (named with the MAIN variant).
1. Use a White Background

If you do a search on Amazon, you’ll see a common theme. All main images are on white background per Amazon’s requirement. Before you submit your feed, make sure your image is on a white background with RGB color values of 255, 255, 255.
2. Highlight the Actual Product

The image must be the cover art or a professional photograph of the actual product being sold. Amazon also does not want to see logos, watermarks or inset images.
Don’t put accessories or props that aren’t actually part of the listing in your main photo. If you do, it could make it unclear as to what you are actually selling.
Additionally, the product should fill at least 85% of image area. If you are selling books, music, video/DVDs Books, they should be the front cover art, and fill 100% of the image frame.
3. Use High-Quality Images

According to Amazon, the image must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed or scanned, with realistic color, and smooth edges.
The product should jump out when a shopper is browsing Amazon. Make sure it is well lit to better highlight the color and details of the actual product. The photo should also look like it’s been professionally taken. A low quality or amateur looking photo gives off a bad first impression to customers considering your product.
4. Add Zoom Functionality

It's crucial that your images are at least 1000 x 1000 pixels. That’s the minimum requirement to allow for the zoom functionality on your photos. What’s great about this feature is that it allows the shopper to view the details of your product and gives them a better feel of what it might look like in person.
Closing Thoughts
If you're looking for a way to boost your listings, these image optimization guidelines are a great place to start. Remember to always keep Amazon's requirements in mind when updating your listings.